How to download fundamental data

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) requires US listed companies and securities, including mutual funds to file three quarterly financial statements (Form 10-Q) and one annual report (Form 10-K), in addition to various other regulatory filing requirements.

Since the early 1990s, the SEC made these filings available through its Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval (EDGAR) system. They constitute the primary data source for the fundamental analysis of equity and other securities, such as corporate credit, where the value depends on the business prospects and the financial health of the issuer.

Automated processing using XBRL markup

Automated analysis of regulatory filings has become easier since the SEC introduced XBRL, a free, open, and global standard for the electronic representation and exchange of business reports. XBRL is based on XML; it relies on taxonomies that define the meaning of the elements of a report and map to tags that highlight the corresponding information in the electronic version of the report. One such taxonomy represents the US Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP).

The SEC introduced voluntary XBRL filings in 2005 in response to accounting scandals before requiring this format for all filers since 2009 and continues to expand the mandatory coverage to other regulatory filings. The SEC maintains a website that lists the current taxonomies that shape the content of different filings and can be used to extract specific items.

There are several avenues to track and access fundamental data reported to the SEC:

  • As part of the EDGAR Public Dissemination Service (PDS), electronic feeds of accepted filings are available for a fee.
  • The SEC updates RSS feeds every 10 minutes, which list structured disclosure submissions.
  • There are public index files for the retrieval of all filings through FTP for automated processing.
  • The financial statement (and notes) datasets contain parsed XBRL data from all financial statements and the accompanying notes.


In [85]:
from io import BytesIO
from zipfile import ZipFile, BadZipFile
import requests
from datetime import date, datetime
from pathlib import Path
import as web
import datetime
import pandas as pd
import json
import re
from pprint import pprint
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from collections import Counter
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.dates as mdates
import matplotlib.ticker as mticker
In [2]:'fivethirtyeight')
import seaborn as sns
sns.set(style="darkgrid", color_codes=True)
data_path = Path('data') # perhaps set to external harddrive to accomodate large amount of data
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)

Dowload FS & Notes

The following code downloads and extracts all historical filings contained in the Financial Statement and Notes (FSN) datasets for the given range of quarters:

Downloads over 40GB of data!

In [3]:
SEC_URL = ''

today = pd.Timestamp(
this_year = today.year
this_quarter = today.quarter

past_years = range(2014, this_year)
filing_periods = [(y, q) for y in past_years for q in range(1, 5)]
filing_periods.extend([(this_year, q) for q in range(1, this_quarter + 1)])
for i, (yr, qtr) in enumerate(filing_periods, 1):
    print(yr, qtr, end=' ', )
    filing = f'{yr}q{qtr}'
    path = data_path / f'{yr}_{qtr}' / 'source'
    if not path.exists():
        path.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)

    response = requests.get(SEC_URL + filing).content
        with ZipFile(BytesIO(response)) as zip_file:
            for file in zip_file.namelist():
                local_file = path / file
                if local_file.exists():
                with'wb') as output:
                    for line in
    except BadZipFile:
2014 1 2014 2 2014 3 2014 4 2015 1 2015 2 2015 3 2015 4 2016 1 2016 2 2016 3 2016 4 2017 1 2017 2 2017 3 2017 4 2018 1 2018 2 2018 3 2018 4 2019 1 2019 2 2019 3 2019 4 

Save to parquet

The data is fairly large and to enable faster access than the original text files permit, it is better to convert the text files to binary, columnar parquet format.

In [18]:
for f in data_path.glob('**/*.tsv'):
    file_name = f.stem  + '.parquet'
    path = Path(f.parents[1]) / 'parquet'
    if (path / file_name).exists():
    if not path.exists():
        df = pd.read_csv(f, sep='\t', encoding='latin1', low_memory=False)
    df.to_parquet(path / file_name)

Metadata json

In [3]:
file = data_path / '2018_3' / 'source' / '2018q3_notes-metadata.json'
with as f:
    data = json.load(f)

{'@context': '',
 'dialect': {'delimiter': '\t', 'header': True, 'headerRowCount': 1},
 'tables': [{'tableSchema': {'aboutUrl': 'readme.htm',
                             'columns': [{'datatype': {'base': 'string',
                                                       'maxLength': 20,
                                                       'minLength': 20},
                                          'dc:description': 'Accession Number. '
                                                            'The 20-character '
                                                            'string formed '
                                                            'from the 18-digit '
                                                            'number assigned '
                                                            'by the Commission '
                                                            'to each EDGAR '
                                          'name': 'adsh',
                                          'required': 'true',
                                          'titles': ['Accession Number']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'decimal',
                                                       'maxLength': 10,
                                                       'minInclusive': 0},
                                          'dc:description': 'Central Index Key '
                                                            '(CIK). Ten digit '
                                                            'number assigned '
                                                            'by the Commission '
                                                            'to each '
                                                            'registrant that '
                                                            'submits filings.',
                                          'name': 'cik',
                                          'titles': ['Central Index Key']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'string',
                                                       'maxLength': 150},
                                          'dc:description': 'Name of '
                                                            'registrant. This '
                                                            'corresponds to '
                                                            'the name of the '
                                                            'legal entity as '
                                                            'recorded in EDGAR '
                                                            'as of the filing '
                                          'name': 'name',
                                          'titles': ['Registrant']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'string',
                                                       'maxLength': 4},
                                          'dc:description': 'Standard '
                                                            'Industrial '
                                                            'Classification '
                                                            '(SIC). Four digit '
                                                            'code assigned by '
                                                            'the Commission as '
                                                            'of the filing '
                                                            'date, indicating '
                                                            "the registrant's "
                                                            'type of business.',
                                          'name': 'sic',
                                          'titles': ['Standard Industrial '
                                                     'Classification Code']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'string',
                                                       'maxLength': 2,
                                                       'minLength': 2},
                                          'dc:description': 'The ISO 3166-1 '
                                                            'country of the '
                                                            "registrant's "
                                                            'business address.',
                                          'name': 'countryba',
                                          'titles': ['Business Address Country',
                                                     'Country (B)']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'string',
                                                       'maxLength': 2,
                                                       'minLength': 2},
                                          'dc:description': 'The state or '
                                                            'province of the '
                                                            "registrant's "
                                                            'business address, '
                                                            'if field '
                                                            'countryba is US '
                                                            'or CA.',
                                          'name': 'stprba',
                                          'titles': ['Business Address State '
                                                     'or Province',
                                                     'State (B)']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'string',
                                                       'maxLength': 30},
                                          'dc:description': 'The city of the '
                                                            "registrant's "
                                                            'business address.',
                                          'name': 'cityba',
                                          'titles': ['Business Address City',
                                                     'City (B)']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'string',
                                                       'maxLength': 10},
                                          'dc:description': 'The zip code of '
                                                            "the registrant's "
                                                            'business address.',
                                          'name': 'zipba',
                                          'titles': ['Business Address Zip or '
                                                     'Postal Code',
                                                     'Zip (B)']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'string',
                                                       'maxLength': 40},
                                          'dc:description': 'The first line of '
                                                            'the street of the '
                                                            "registrant's "
                                                            'business address.',
                                          'name': 'bas1',
                                          'titles': ['Business Address Street '
                                                     'Street1 (B)']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'string',
                                                       'maxLength': 40},
                                          'dc:description': 'The second line '
                                                            'of the street of '
                                                            "the registrant's "
                                                            'business address.',
                                          'name': 'bas2',
                                          'titles': ['Business Address Street '
                                                     'Street2 (B)']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'string',
                                                       'maxLength': 12},
                                          'dc:description': 'The phone number '
                                                            'of the '
                                                            "registrant's "
                                                            'business address.',
                                          'name': 'baph',
                                          'titles': ['Business Address Phone',
                                                     'Phone (B)']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'string',
                                                       'maxLength': 2,
                                                       'minLength': 2},
                                          'dc:description': 'The ISO 3166-1 '
                                                            'country of the '
                                                            "registrant's "
                                                            'mailing address.',
                                          'name': 'countryma',
                                          'titles': ['Mailing Address Country',
                                                     'Country (M)']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'string',
                                                       'maxLength': 2,
                                                       'minLength': 2},
                                          'dc:description': 'The state or '
                                                            'province of the '
                                                            "registrant's "
                                                            'mailing address, '
                                                            'if field '
                                                            'countryma is US '
                                                            'or CA.',
                                          'name': 'stprma',
                                          'titles': ['Mailing Address State or '
                                                     'State (M)']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'string',
                                                       'maxLength': 30},
                                          'dc:description': 'The city of the '
                                                            "registrant's "
                                                            'mailing address.',
                                          'name': 'cityma',
                                          'titles': ['Mailing Address City',
                                                     'City (M)']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'string',
                                                       'maxLength': 12},
                                          'dc:description': 'The zip code of '
                                                            "the registrant's "
                                                            'mailing address.',
                                          'name': 'zipma',
                                          'titles': ['Mailing Address Zip or '
                                                     'Postal Code',
                                                     'Zip (M)']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'string',
                                                       'maxLength': 40},
                                          'dc:description': 'The first line of '
                                                            'the street of the '
                                                            "registrant's "
                                                            'mailing address.',
                                          'name': 'mas1',
                                          'titles': ['Mailing Address Street1',
                                                     'Street1 (M)']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'string',
                                                       'maxLength': 40},
                                          'dc:description': 'The second line '
                                                            'of the street of '
                                                            "the registrant's "
                                                            'mailing address.',
                                          'name': 'mas2',
                                          'titles': ['Mailing Address Street2',
                                                     'Street1 (M)']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'string',
                                                       'maxLength': 2,
                                                       'minLength': 2},
                                          'dc:description': 'The country of '
                                                            'incorporation for '
                                                            'the registrant.',
                                          'name': 'countryinc',
                                          'titles': ['Country of Incorporation',
                                                     'Incorporation Country']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'string',
                                                       'maxLength': 2,
                                                       'minLength': 2},
                                          'dc:description': 'The state or '
                                                            'province of '
                                                            'incorporation for '
                                                            'the registrant, '
                                                            'if countryinc is '
                                                            'US or CA, '
                                                            'otherwise NULL.',
                                          'name': 'stprinc',
                                          'titles': ['State or Province of '
                                                     'Incorporation State']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'string',
                                                       'maxLength': 9},
                                          'dc:description': 'Employee '
                                                            'Identification '
                                                            'Number, 9 digit '
                                                            'identification '
                                                            'number assigned '
                                                            'by the Internal '
                                                            'Revenue Service '
                                                            'to business '
                                                            'entities '
                                                            'operating in the '
                                                            'United States.',
                                          'name': 'ein',
                                          'titles': ['EIN',
                                                     'Employee Identification '
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'string',
                                                       'maxLength': 150},
                                          'dc:description': 'Most recent '
                                                            'former name of '
                                                            'the registrant, '
                                                            'if any.',
                                          'name': 'former',
                                          'titles': ['Former Name']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'string',
                                                       'maxLength': 8,
                                                       'minLength': 8},
                                          'dc:description': 'Date of change '
                                                            'from the former '
                                                            'name, if any.',
                                          'name': 'changed',
                                          'titles': ['Date of Name Change']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'string',
                                                       'maxLength': 5},
                                          'dc:description': 'Filer status with '
                                                            'the Commission at '
                                                            'the time of '
                                                            'submission: '
                                                            '1-LAF=Large '
                                                            'Accelerated, '
                                                            '2-ACC=Accelerated, '
                                                            '3-SRA=Smaller '
                                                            'Reporting '
                                                            'Accelerated, '
                                                            '4-NON=Non-Accelerated, '
                                                            '5-SML=Smaller '
                                                            'Reporting Filer, '
                                                            'NULL=not '
                                          'name': 'afs',
                                          'titles': ['Status',
                                                     'Accelerated Filer '
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'decimal',
                                                       'maxInclusive': 1,
                                                       'minInclusive': 0},
                                          'dc:description': 'Well Known '
                                                            'Seasoned Issuer '
                                                            '(WKSI). An issuer '
                                                            'that meets '
                                                            'specific '
                                                            'Commission '
                                                            'requirements at '
                                                            'some point during '
                                                            'a 60-day period '
                                                            'preceding the '
                                                            'date the issuer '
                                                            'satisfies its '
                                                            'obligation to '
                                                            'update its shelf '
                                                            'registration '
                                          'name': 'wksi',
                                          'titles': ['Well-known Seasoned '
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'string',
                                                       'maxLength': 4},
                                          'dc:description': 'Fiscal Year End '
                                          'name': 'fye',
                                          'titles': ['FY End Date']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'string',
                                                       'maxLength': 20},
                                          'dc:description': 'The submission '
                                                            'type of the '
                                                            "registrant's "
                                          'name': 'form',
                                          'titles': ['Submission Type',
                                                     'Filing Type',
                                                     'EDGAR Form Type']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'string',
                                                       'maxLength': 8,
                                                       'minLength': 8},
                                          'dc:description': 'Balance Sheet '
                                          'name': 'period',
                                          'titles': ['Report Period',
                                                     'Date of Balance Sheet']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'string',
                                                       'maxLength': 4,
                                                       'minLength': 4},
                                          'dc:description': 'Fiscal Year Focus '
                                                            '(as defined in '
                                                            'EFM Ch. 6).',
                                          'name': 'fy',
                                          'titles': ['Fiscal Year']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'string',
                                                       'maxLength': 2,
                                                       'minLength': 2},
                                          'dc:description': 'Fiscal Period '
                                                            'Focus (as defined '
                                                            'in EFM Ch. 6) '
                                                            'within Fiscal '
                                                            'Year. The 10-Q '
                                                            'for the 1st, 2nd '
                                                            'and 3rd quarters '
                                                            'would have a '
                                                            'fiscal period '
                                                            'focus of Q1, Q2 '
                                                            '(or H1), and Q3 '
                                                            '(or M9) '
                                                            'respectively, and '
                                                            'a 10-K would have '
                                                            'a fiscal period '
                                                            'focus of FY.',
                                          'name': 'fp',
                                          'titles': ['Fiscal Period']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'string',
                                                       'maxLength': 8},
                                          'dc:description': 'The date of the '
                                                            "registrant's "
                                                            'filing with the '
                                          'name': 'filed',
                                          'titles': ['Date Filed']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'date',
                                                       'format': 'YYYYMMDD '
                                          'dc:description': 'The acceptance '
                                                            'date and time of '
                                                            "the registrant's "
                                                            'filing with the '
                                                            'Commission. '
                                                            'Filings accepted '
                                                            'after 5:30pm EST '
                                                            'are considered '
                                                            'filed on the '
                                                            'following '
                                                            'business day.',
                                          'name': 'accepted',
                                          'titles': ['Acceptance Datetime']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'decimal',
                                                       'maxInclusive': 255,
                                                       'minInclusive': 0},
                                          'dc:description': 'Previous Report.  '
                                                            'TRUE indicates '
                                                            'that the '
                                                            'submission '
                                                            'information was '
                                                            'subsequently '
                                                            'amended prior to '
                                                            'the end cutoff '
                                                            'date of the data '
                                          'name': 'prevrpt',
                                          'required': 'true',
                                          'titles': ['Previous Report Flag',
                                                     'Subsequently Amended '
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'decimal',
                                                       'maxInclusive': 255,
                                                       'minInclusive': 0},
                                          'dc:description': 'TRUE indicates '
                                                            'that the XBRL '
                                                            'submission '
                                                            'contains '
                                                            'quantitative '
                                                            'disclosures '
                                                            'within the '
                                                            'footnotes and '
                                                            'schedules at the '
                                                            'required detail '
                                                            'level (e.g., each '
                                          'name': 'detail',
                                          'required': 'true',
                                          'titles': ['Detail Tagged']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'string',
                                                       'maxLength': 32},
                                          'dc:description': 'The name of the '
                                                            'submitted XBRL '
                                                            'Instance Document '
                                                            '(EX-101.INS) type '
                                                            'data file. The '
                                                            'name often begins '
                                                            'with the company '
                                                            'ticker symbol.',
                                          'name': 'instance',
                                          'titles': ['Instance Filename']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'decimal',
                                                       'maxInclusive': 32767,
                                                       'minInclusive': 0},
                                          'dc:description': 'Number of Central '
                                                            'Index Keys (CIK) '
                                                            'of registrants '
                                                            '(i.e., business '
                                                            'units) included '
                                                            'in the '
                                                            'consolidating '
                                                            "entity's "
                                                            'submitted filing.',
                                          'name': 'nciks',
                                          'required': 'true',
                                          'titles': ['Number of '
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'string',
                                                       'maxLength': 120},
                                          'dc:description': 'Additional CIKs '
                                                            'of co-registrants '
                                                            'included in a '
                                                            'consolidating '
                                                            "entity's EDGAR "
                                                            'submission, '
                                                            'separated by '
                                                            'spaces. If there '
                                                            'are no other '
                                                            'co-registrants '
                                                            '(i.e., nciks = '
                                                            '1), the value of '
                                                            'aciks is NULL. '
                                                            'For a very small '
                                                            'number of filers, '
                                                            'the list of '
                                                            'co-registrants is '
                                                            'too long to fit '
                                                            'in the field. '
                                                            'Where this is the '
                                                            'case, PARTIAL '
                                                            'will appear at '
                                                            'the end of the '
                                                            'list indicating '
                                                            'that not all '
                                                            "co-registrants' "
                                                            'CIKs are included '
                                                            'in the field; '
                                                            'users should '
                                                            'refer to the '
                                                            'complete '
                                                            'submission file '
                                                            'for all CIK '
                                          'name': 'aciks',
                                          'titles': ['Additional Coregistrant '
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'decimal'},
                                          'dc:description': 'Public float, in '
                                                            'USD, if provided '
                                                            'in this '
                                          'name': 'pubfloatusd',
                                          'titles': ['Public Float']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'string',
                                                       'maxLength': 8},
                                          'dc:description': 'Date on which the '
                                                            'public float was '
                                                            'measured by the '
                                          'name': 'floatdate',
                                          'titles': ['Public Float Measurement '
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'string',
                                                       'maxLength': 255},
                                          'dc:description': 'If the public '
                                                            'float value was '
                                                            'computed by '
                                                            'summing across '
                                                            'several tagged '
                                                            'values, this '
                                                            'indicates the '
                                                            'nature of the '
                                          'name': 'floataxis',
                                          'titles': ['Public Float Axis']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'decimal',
                                                       'maxInclusive': 255,
                                                       'minInclusive': 0},
                                          'dc:description': 'If the public '
                                                            'float was '
                                                            'computed, the '
                                                            'number of terms '
                                                            'in the summation.',
                                          'name': 'floatmems',
                                          'titles': ['Public Float Members']}],
                             'primaryKey': 'adsh'},
             'url': 'sub.tsv'},
            {'tableSchema': {'aboutUrl': 'readme.htm',
                             'columns': [{'datatype': {'base': 'string',
                                                       'maxLength': 256},
                                          'dc:description': 'The unique '
                                                            'identifier (name) '
                                                            'for a tag in a '
                                                            'specific taxonomy '
                                          'name': 'tag',
                                          'required': 'true',
                                          'titles': ['Localname']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'string',
                                                       'maxLength': 20},
                                          'dc:description': 'For a standard '
                                                            'tag, an '
                                                            'identifier for '
                                                            'the taxonomy; '
                                                            'otherwise the '
                                                            'accession number '
                                                            'where the tag was '
                                          'name': 'version',
                                          'required': 'true',
                                          'titles': ['Namespace', 'Taxonomy']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'decimal',
                                                       'maxInclusive': 1,
                                                       'minInclusive': 0},
                                          'dc:description': '1 if tag is '
                                                            'custom '
                                                            '(version=adsh), 0 '
                                                            'if it is '
                                                            'standard. Note: '
                                                            'This flag is '
                                                            'technically '
                                                            'redundant with '
                                                            'the version and '
                                                            'adsh fields.',
                                          'name': 'custom',
                                          'required': 'true',
                                          'titles': []},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'decimal',
                                                       'maxInclusive': 1,
                                                       'minInclusive': 0},
                                          'dc:description': '1 if the tag is '
                                                            'not used to '
                                                            'represent a '
                                                            'numeric fact.',
                                          'name': 'abstract',
                                          'required': 'true',
                                          'titles': []},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'string',
                                                       'maxLength': 20},
                                          'dc:description': 'If abstract=1, '
                                                            'then NULL, '
                                                            'otherwise the '
                                                            'data type (e.g., '
                                                            'monetary) for the '
                                          'name': 'datatype',
                                          'titles': []},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'string',
                                                       'maxLength': 1},
                                          'dc:description': 'If abstract=1, '
                                                            'then NULL; '
                                                            'otherwise, I if '
                                                            'the value is a '
                                                            'point in time, or '
                                                            'D if the value is '
                                                            'a duration.',
                                          'name': 'iord',
                                          'titles': ['Instant or Duration']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'string',
                                                       'maxLength': 1},
                                          'dc:description': 'If datatype = '
                                                            'monetary, then '
                                                            "the tag's natural "
                                                            'accounting '
                                                            'balance from the '
                                                            'perspective of '
                                                            'the balance sheet '
                                                            'or income '
                                                            'statement (debit '
                                                            'or credit); if '
                                                            'not defined, then '
                                          'name': 'crdr',
                                          'titles': ['Credit or Debit']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'string',
                                                       'maxLength': 512},
                                          'dc:description': 'If a standard '
                                                            'tag, then the '
                                                            'label text '
                                                            'provided by the '
                                                            'taxonomy, '
                                                            'otherwise the '
                                                            'text provided by '
                                                            'the filer. A tag '
                                                            'which had neither '
                                                            'would have a NULL '
                                                            'value here.',
                                          'name': 'tlabel',
                                          'titles': ['Label']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'string',
                                                       'maxLength': 2048},
                                          'dc:description': 'The detailed '
                                                            'definition for '
                                                            'the tag, '
                                                            'truncated to 2048 '
                                                            'characters. If a '
                                                            'standard tag, '
                                                            'then the text '
                                                            'provided by the '
                                                            'taxonomy, '
                                                            'otherwise the '
                                                            'text assigned by '
                                                            'the filer. Some '
                                                            'tags have '
                                                            'neither, in which '
                                                            'case this field '
                                                            'is NULL.',
                                          'name': 'doc',
                                          'titles': ['Documentation']}],
                             'primaryKey': ['tag', 'version']},
             'url': 'tag.tsv'},
            {'tableSchema': {'aboutUrl': 'readme.htm',
                             'columns': [{'datatype': {'base': 'string',
                                                       'maxLength': 34},
                                          'dc:description': 'MD5 hash of the '
                                                            'segments field '
                                                            'text. Although '
                                                            'MD5 is unsuitable '
                                                            'for cryptographic '
                                                            'use, it is used '
                                                            'here merely to '
                                                            'limit the size of '
                                                            'the primary key.',
                                          'name': 'dimh',
                                          'required': 'true',
                                          'titles': ['Dimension Hash']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'string',
                                                       'maxLength': 1024},
                                          'dc:description': 'Concatenation of '
                                                            'tag names '
                                                            'representing the '
                                                            'axis and members '
                                                            'appearing in the '
                                                            'XBRL segments. '
                                                            'Tag names have '
                                                            'their first '
                                                            'characters '
                                                            '"Statement", last '
                                                            '4 characters '
                                                            '"Axis", and last '
                                                            '6 characters '
                                                            '"Member" or '
                                                            '"Domain" '
                                                            'truncated where '
                                                            'they appear. '
                                                            'Namespaces and '
                                                            'prefixes are '
                                                            'ignored because '
                                                            'EDGAR validation '
                                                            'guarantees that '
                                                            'the local-names '
                                                            'are unique with a '
                                                            'submission. Each '
                                                            'dimension is '
                                                            'represented as '
                                                            'the pair '
                                                            '"{axis}={member};" '
                                                            'and the axes '
                                                            'concatenated in '
                                                            'lexical order. '
                                                            'Example: '
                                                            '"LegalEntity=Xyz;Scenario=Restated;" '
                                                            'represents the '
                                                            'XBRL segment with '
                                                            'dimension '
                                                            'LegalEntityAxis '
                                                            'and member '
                                                            'XyzMember, '
                                                            'dimension '
                                                            'StatementScenarioAxis '
                                                            'and member '
                                          'name': 'segments',
                                          'titles': []},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'decimal',
                                                       'maxInclusive': 1,
                                                       'minInclusive': 0},
                                          'dc:description': 'TRUE if the '
                                                            'segments field '
                                                            'would have been '
                                                            'longer than 1024 '
                                                            'characters had it '
                                                            'not been '
                                                            'truncated, else '
                                          'name': 'segt',
                                          'required': 'true',
                                          'titles': ['Segments Truncated']}],
                             'primaryKey': 'dimh'},
             'url': 'dim.tsv'},
            {'tableSchema': {'aboutUrl': 'readme.htm',
                             'columns': [{'datatype': {'base': 'string',
                                                       'maxLength': 20,
                                                       'minLength': 20},
                                          'dc:description': 'Accession Number. '
                                                            'The 20-character '
                                                            'string formed '
                                                            'from the 18-digit '
                                                            'number assigned '
                                                            'by the Commission '
                                                            'to each EDGAR '
                                          'name': 'adsh',
                                          'required': 'true',
                                          'titles': ['Accession Number']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'string',
                                                       'maxLength': 255},
                                          'dc:description': 'The unique '
                                                            'identifier (name) '
                                                            'for a tag in a '
                                                            'specific taxonomy '
                                          'name': 'tag',
                                          'required': 'true',
                                          'titles': ['Localname']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'string',
                                                       'maxLength': 20},
                                          'dc:description': 'For a standard '
                                                            'tag, an '
                                                            'identifier for '
                                                            'the taxonomy; '
                                                            'otherwise the '
                                                            'accession number '
                                                            'where the tag was '
                                          'name': 'version',
                                          'required': 'true',
                                          'titles': ['Namespace']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'string',
                                                       'maxLength': 8,
                                                       'minLength': 8},
                                          'dc:description': 'The end date for '
                                                            'the data value, '
                                                            'rounded to the '
                                                            'nearest month '
                                          'name': 'ddate',
                                          'required': 'true',
                                          'titles': ['Data Date']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'decimal',
                                                       'minInclusive': 0},
                                          'dc:description': 'The count of the '
                                                            'number of '
                                                            'quarters '
                                                            'represented by '
                                                            'the data value, '
                                                            'rounded to the '
                                                            'nearest whole '
                                                            'number. "0" '
                                                            'indicates it is a '
                                                            'point-in-time '
                                          'name': 'qtrs',
                                          'required': 'true',
                                          'titles': ['Quarters']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'string',
                                                       'maxLength': 50},
                                          'dc:description': 'The unit of '
                                                            'measure for the '
                                          'name': 'uom',
                                          'required': 'true',
                                          'titles': ['Unit of Measure']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'string',
                                                       'maxLength': 34},
                                          'dc:description': 'The 32-byte '
                                                            'hexadecimal key '
                                                            'for the '
                                                            'dimensional '
                                                            'information in '
                                                            'the DIM data set.',
                                          'name': 'dimh',
                                          'titles': ['Dimension Hash']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'decimal',
                                                       'maxInclusive': 32767,
                                                       'minInclusive': 0},
                                          'dc:description': 'A positive '
                                                            'integer to '
                                                            'distinguish '
                                                            'different '
                                                            'reported facts '
                                                            'that otherwise '
                                                            'would have the '
                                                            'same primary key. '
                                                            'For most '
                                                            'purposes, data '
                                                            'with iprx greater '
                                                            'than 1 are not '
                                                            'needed. The '
                                                            'priority for the '
                                                            'fact based on '
                                                            'higher precision, '
                                                            'closeness of the '
                                                            'end date to a '
                                                            'month end, and '
                                                            'closeness of the '
                                                            'duration to a '
                                                            'multiple of three '
                                                            'months. See '
                                                            'fields dcml, durp '
                                                            'and datp below.',
                                          'name': 'iprx',
                                          'titles': ['Fact Preference']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'decimal'},
                                          'dc:description': 'The value. This '
                                                            'is not scaled, it '
                                                            'is as found in '
                                                            'the Interactive '
                                                            'Data file, but is '
                                                            'rounded to four '
                                                            'digits to the '
                                                            'right of the '
                                                            'decimal point.',
                                          'name': 'value',
                                          'titles': []},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'string',
                                                       'maxLength': 512},
                                          'dc:description': 'The plain text of '
                                                            'any superscripted '
                                                            'footnotes on the '
                                                            'value, if any, as '
                                                            'shown on the '
                                                            'statement page, '
                                                            'truncated to 512 '
                                          'name': 'footnote',
                                          'titles': ['Footnote Text']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'decimal',
                                                       'minInclusive': 0},
                                          'dc:description': 'Number of bytes '
                                                            'in the plain text '
                                                            'of the footnote '
                                                            'prior to '
                                                            'truncation; zero '
                                                            'if no footnote.',
                                          'name': 'footlen',
                                          'required': 'true',
                                          'titles': ['Footnote Length']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'decimal',
                                                       'minInclusive': 0},
                                          'dc:description': 'Small integer '
                                                            'representing the '
                                                            'number of '
                                                            'dimensions. Note '
                                                            'that this value '
                                                            'is a function of '
                                                            'the dimension '
                                          'name': 'dimn',
                                          'required': 'true',
                                          'titles': ['Number of Dimensions']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'string',
                                                       'maxLength': 256},
                                          'dc:description': 'If specified, '
                                                            'indicates a '
                                                            'specific '
                                                            'co-registrant, '
                                                            'the parent '
                                                            'company, or other '
                                                            'entity (e.g., '
                                                            'guarantor). NULL '
                                                            'indicates the '
                                                            'consolidated '
                                                            'entity. Note that '
                                                            'this value is a '
                                                            'function of the '
                                                            'dimension '
                                          'name': 'coreg',
                                          'titles': ['Coregistrant']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'decimal'},
                                          'dc:description': 'The difference '
                                                            'between the '
                                                            'reported fact '
                                                            'duration and the '
                                                            'quarter duration '
                                                            '(qtrs), expressed '
                                                            'as a fraction of '
                                                            '1. For example, a '
                                                            'fact with '
                                                            'duration of 120 '
                                                            'days rounded to a '
                                                            '91-day quarter '
                                                            'has a durp value '
                                                            'of 29/91 = '
                                          'name': 'durp',
                                          'titles': ['Duration Preference']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'decimal'},
                                          'dc:description': 'The difference '
                                                            'between the '
                                                            'reported fact '
                                                            'date and the '
                                                            'month-end rounded '
                                                            'date (ddate), '
                                                            'expressed as a '
                                                            'fraction of 1. '
                                                            'For example, a '
                                                            'fact reported for '
                                                            '29/Dec, with '
                                                            'ddate rounded to '
                                                            '31/Dec, has a '
                                                            'datp value of '
                                                            'minus 2/31 = '
                                          'name': 'datp',
                                          'titles': ['Date Preference']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'decimal',
                                                       'maxInclusive': 32767,
                                                       'minInclusive': -32768},
                                          'dc:description': 'The value of the '
                                                            'fact "decimals" '
                                                            'attribute, with '
                                                            'INF represented '
                                                            'by 32767.',
                                          'name': 'dcml',
                                          'titles': ['Decimals']}],
                             'foreignKeys': [{'columnReference': 'adsh',
                                              'reference': {'columnReference': 'adsh',
                                                            'resource': 'sub.tsv'}},
                                             {'columnReference': 'dimh',
                                              'reference': {'columnReference': 'dimh',
                                                            'resource': ''}},
                                             {'columnReference': ['tag',
                                              'reference': {'columnReference': ['tag',
                                                            'resource': ''}}],
                             'primaryKey': ['adsh',
             'url': 'num.tsv'},
            {'tableSchema': {'aboutUrl': 'readme.htm',
                             'columns': [{'datatype': {'base': 'string',
                                                       'maxLength': 20,
                                                       'minLength': 20},
                                          'dc:description': 'Accession Number. '
                                                            'The 20-character '
                                                            'string formed '
                                                            'from the 18-digit '
                                                            'number assigned '
                                                            'by the Commission '
                                                            'to each EDGAR '
                                          'name': 'adsh',
                                          'required': 'true',
                                          'titles': ['Accession number']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'string',
                                                       'maxLength': 255},
                                          'dc:description': 'The unique '
                                                            'identifier (name) '
                                                            'for a tag in a '
                                                            'specific taxonomy '
                                          'name': 'tag',
                                          'required': 'true',
                                          'titles': ['Localname']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'string',
                                                       'maxLength': 20},
                                          'dc:description': 'For a standard '
                                                            'tag, an '
                                                            'identifier for '
                                                            'the taxonomy; '
                                                            'otherwise the '
                                                            'accession number '
                                                            'where the tag was '
                                                            'defined. For '
                                                            'example, '
                                                            '"invest/2013" '
                                                            'indicates that '
                                                            'the tag is '
                                                            'defined in the '
                                                            '2013 INVEST '
                                          'name': 'version',
                                          'required': 'true',
                                          'titles': ['Namespace', 'Taxonomy']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'string',
                                                       'maxLength': 8,
                                                       'minLength': 8},
                                          'dc:description': 'The end date for '
                                                            'the data value, '
                                                            'rounded to the '
                                                            'nearest month '
                                          'name': 'ddate',
                                          'required': 'true',
                                          'titles': ['Data Date']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'decimal',
                                                       'minInclusive': 0},
                                          'dc:description': 'The count of the '
                                                            'number of '
                                                            'quarters '
                                                            'represented by '
                                                            'the data value, '
                                                            'rounded to the '
                                                            'nearest whole '
                                                            'number. A point '
                                                            'in time value is '
                                                            'represented by 0.',
                                          'name': 'qtrs',
                                          'required': 'true',
                                          'titles': ['Quarters']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'decimal',
                                                       'maxInclusive': 32767,
                                                       'minInclusive': -32768},
                                          'dc:description': 'A positive '
                                                            'integer to '
                                                            'distinguish '
                                                            'different '
                                                            'reported facts '
                                                            'that otherwise '
                                                            'would have the '
                                                            'same primary key. '
                                                            'For most '
                                                            'purposes, data '
                                                            'with iprx greater '
                                                            'than 1 are not '
                                                            'needed. The '
                                                            'priority for the '
                                                            'fact based on '
                                                            'higher precision, '
                                                            'closeness of the '
                                                            'end date to a '
                                                            'month end, and '
                                                            'closeness of the '
                                                            'duration to a '
                                                            'multiple of three '
                                                            'months. See '
                                                            'fields dcml, durp '
                                                            'and datp below.',
                                          'name': 'iprx',
                                          'titles': ['Fact Preference',
                                                     'Preferred Fact Sort '
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'string',
                                                       'maxLength': 5},
                                          'dc:description': 'The ISO language '
                                                            'code of the fact '
                                          'name': 'lang',
                                          'titles': ['Language']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'decimal',
                                                       'maxInclusive': 32767,
                                                       'minInclusive': -32768},
                                          'dc:description': 'The value of the '
                                                            'fact "xml:lang" '
                                                            'attribute, en-US '
                                                            'represented by '
                                                            '32767, other "en" '
                                                            'dialects having '
                                                            'lower values, and '
                                                            'other languages '
                                                            'lower still.',
                                          'name': 'dcml',
                                          'titles': ['Language Preference',
                                                     'Language Sort Key']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'decimal'},
                                          'dc:description': 'The difference '
                                                            'between the '
                                                            'reported fact '
                                                            'duration and the '
                                                            'quarter duration '
                                                            '(qtrs), expressed '
                                                            'as a fraction of '
                                                            '1. For example, a '
                                                            'fact with '
                                                            'duration of 120 '
                                                            'days rounded to a '
                                                            '91-day quarter '
                                                            'has a durp value '
                                                            'of 29/91 = '
                                          'name': 'durp',
                                          'titles': ['Duration Preference']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'decimal'},
                                          'dc:description': 'The difference '
                                                            'between the '
                                                            'reported fact '
                                                            'date and the '
                                                            'month-end rounded '
                                                            'date (ddate), '
                                                            'expressed as a '
                                                            'fraction of 1. '
                                                            'For example, a '
                                                            'fact reported for '
                                                            '29/Dec, with '
                                                            'ddate rounded to '
                                                            '31/Dec, has a '
                                                            'datp value of '
                                                            'minus 2/31 = '
                                          'name': 'datp',
                                          'titles': ['Date Preference']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'string',
                                                       'maxLength': 34},
                                          'dc:description': 'The 32-byte '
                                                            'hexadecimal key '
                                                            'for the '
                                                            'dimensional '
                                                            'information in '
                                                            'the DIM data set.',
                                          'name': 'dimh',
                                          'titles': ['Dimension Hash']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'decimal',
                                                       'minInclusive': 0},
                                          'dc:description': 'Small integer '
                                                            'representing the '
                                                            'number of '
                                                            'dimensions, '
                                                            'useful for '
                                                            'sorting. Note '
                                                            'that this value '
                                                            'is function of '
                                                            'the dimension '
                                          'name': 'dimn',
                                          'required': 'true',
                                          'titles': ['Number of Dimensions']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'string',
                                                       'maxLength': 256},
                                          'dc:description': 'If specified, '
                                                            'indicates a '
                                                            'specific '
                                                            'co-registrant, '
                                                            'the parent '
                                                            'company, or other '
                                                            'entity (e.g., '
                                                            'guarantor). NULL '
                                                            'indicates the '
                                                            'consolidated '
                                                            'entity. Note that '
                                                            'this value is a '
                                                            'function of the '
                                                            'dimension '
                                          'name': 'coreg',
                                          'titles': ['Coregistrant']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'decimal',
                                                       'maxInclusive': 1,
                                                       'minInclusive': 0},
                                          'dc:description': 'Flag indicating '
                                                            'whether the value '
                                                            'has had tags '
                                          'name': 'escaped',
                                          'required': 'true',
                                          'titles': []},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'decimal',
                                                       'minInclusive': 0},
                                          'dc:description': 'Number of bytes '
                                                            'in the original, '
                                                            'unprocessed '
                                                            'value. Zero '
                                                            'indicates a NULL '
                                          'name': 'srclen',
                                          'required': 'true',
                                          'titles': ['Source Length']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'decimal',
                                                       'minInclusive': 0},
                                          'dc:description': 'The original '
                                                            'length of the '
                                                            'whitespace '
                                                            'normalized value, '
                                                            'which may have '
                                                            'been greater than '
                                          'name': 'txtlen',
                                          'required': 'true',
                                          'titles': ['Text Length']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'string',
                                                       'maxLength': 512},
                                          'dc:description': 'The plain text of '
                                                            'any superscripted '
                                                            'footnotes on the '
                                                            'value, as shown '
                                                            'on the page, '
                                                            'truncated to 512 '
                                                            'characters, or if '
                                                            'there is no '
                                                            'footnote, then '
                                                            'this field will '
                                                            'be blank.',
                                          'name': 'footnote',
                                          'titles': ['Footnote Text']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'decimal',
                                                       'minInclusive': 0},
                                          'dc:description': 'Number of bytes '
                                                            'in the plain text '
                                                            'of the footnote '
                                                            'prior to '
                                          'name': 'footlen',
                                          'required': 'true',
                                          'titles': ['Footnote Length']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'string',
                                                       'maxLength': 255},
                                          'dc:description': 'The value of the '
                                                            'contextRef '
                                                            'attribute in the '
                                                            'source XBRL '
                                                            'document, which '
                                                            'can be used to '
                                                            'recover the '
                                                            'original HTML '
                                                            'tagging if '
                                          'name': 'context',
                                          'titles': ['Context Ref']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'string',
                                                       'maxLength': 2048},
                                          'dc:description': 'The value, with '
                                                            'all whitespace '
                                                            'normalized, that '
                                                            'is, all sequences '
                                                            'of line feeds, '
                                                            'carriage returns, '
                                                            'tabs, '
                                                            'non-breaking '
                                                            'spaces, and '
                                                            'spaces having '
                                                            'been collapsed to '
                                                            'a single space, '
                                                            'and no leading or '
                                                            'trailing spaces. '
                                                            'Escaped XML that '
                                                            'appears in EDGAR '
                                                            '"Text Block" tags '
                                                            'is processed to '
                                                            'remove all '
                                                            'mark-up '
                                                            '(comments, '
                                                            'processing '
                                                            'instructions, '
                                                            'elements, '
                                                            'attributes). The '
                                                            'value is '
                                                            'truncated to a '
                                                            'maximum number of '
                                                            'bytes. The '
                                                            'resulting text is '
                                                            'not intended for '
                                                            'end user display '
                                                            'but only for text '
                                                            'analysis '
                                          'name': 'value',
                                          'titles': []}],
                             'foreignKeys': [{'columnReference': 'adsh',
                                              'reference': {'columnReference': 'adsh',
                                                            'resource': 'sub.tsv'}},
                                             {'columnReference': 'dimh',
                                              'reference': {'columnReference': 'dimh',
                                                            'resource': ''}},
                                             {'columnReference': ['tag',
                                              'reference': {'columnReference': ['tag',
                                                            'resource': ''}}],
                             'primaryKey': ['adsh',
             'url': 'txt.tsv'},
            {'tableSchema': {'aboutUrl': 'readme.htm',
                             'columns': [{'datatype': {'base': 'string',
                                                       'maxLength': 20,
                                                       'minLength': 20},
                                          'dc:description': 'Accession Number. '
                                                            'The 20-character '
                                                            'string formed '
                                                            'from the 18-digit '
                                                            'number assigned '
                                                            'by the Commission '
                                                            'to each EDGAR '
                                          'name': 'adsh',
                                          'required': 'true',
                                          'titles': ['Accession Number']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'decimal',
                                                       'minInclusive': 0},
                                          'dc:description': 'Represents the '
                                                            'report grouping. '
                                                            'The numeric value '
                                                            'refers to the "R '
                                                            'file" as computed '
                                                            'by the renderer '
                                                            'and posted on the '
                                                            'EDGAR website. '
                                                            'Note that in some '
                                                            'situations the '
                                                            'numbers skip.',
                                          'name': 'report',
                                          'required': 'true',
                                          'titles': ['Report Number']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'string',
                                                       'maxLength': 1},
                                          'dc:description': 'The type of '
                                                            'interactive data '
                                                            'file rendered on '
                                                            'the EDGAR '
                                                            'website, H = .htm '
                                                            'file, X = .xml '
                                          'name': 'rfile',
                                          'required': 'true',
                                          'titles': ['Report File Type']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'string',
                                                       'maxLength': 2},
                                          'dc:description': 'If available, one '
                                                            'of the menu '
                                                            'categories as '
                                                            'computed by the '
                                                            'renderer: '
                                                            'C=Cover, '
                                                            'S=Statements, '
                                                            'N=Notes, '
                                                            'P=Policies, '
                                                            'T=Tables, '
                                                            'D=Details, '
                                                            'O=Other, and '
                                          'name': 'menucat',
                                          'titles': ['Menu Category']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'string',
                                                       'maxLength': 512},
                                          'dc:description': 'The portion of '
                                                            'the long name '
                                                            'used in the '
                                                            'renderer menu.',
                                          'name': 'shortname',
                                          'titles': ['Short Name']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'string',
                                                       'maxLength': 512},
                                          'dc:description': 'The '
                                                            'space-normalized '
                                                            'text of the XBRL '
                                                            'link "definition" '
                                                            'element content.',
                                          'name': 'longname',
                                          'titles': ['Long Name']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'string',
                                                       'maxLength': 255},
                                          'dc:description': 'The XBRL '
                                                            '"roleuri" of the '
                                          'name': 'roleuri',
                                          'titles': ['Role URI']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'string',
                                                       'maxLength': 255},
                                          'dc:description': 'The XBRL roleuri '
                                                            'of a role for '
                                                            'which this role '
                                                            'has a matching '
                                                            'shortname prefix '
                                                            'and a higher '
                                                            'level menu '
                                                            'category, as '
                                                            'computed by the '
                                          'name': 'parentroleuri',
                                          'titles': ['Parent Role URI']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'decimal',
                                                       'minInclusive': 0},
                                          'dc:description': 'The value of the '
                                                            'report field for '
                                                            'the role where '
                                                            'roleuri equals '
                                                            'this '
                                          'name': 'parentreport',
                                          'titles': ['Parent Report']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'decimal',
                                                       'maxInclusive': 32767,
                                                       'minInclusive': 0},
                                          'dc:description': 'The highest '
                                                            'ancestor report '
                                                            'reachable by '
                                                            'following '
                                                            'parentreport '
                                                            'relationships. A '
                                                            'note (menucat = '
                                                            'N) is its own '
                                                            'ultimate parent.',
                                          'name': 'ultparentrpt',
                                          'titles': ['Ultimate Parent']}],
                             'foreignKeys': [{'columnReference': 'adsh',
                                              'reference': {'columnReference': 'adsh',
                                                            'resource': 'sub.tsv'}}],
                             'primaryKey': ['adsh', 'report']},
             'url': 'ren.tsv'},
            {'tableSchema': {'aboutUrl': 'readme.htm',
                             'columns': [{'datatype': {'base': 'string',
                                                       'maxLength': 20,
                                                       'minLength': 20},
                                          'dc:description': 'Accession Number. '
                                                            'The 20-character '
                                                            'string formed '
                                                            'from the 18-digit '
                                                            'number assigned '
                                                            'by the Commission '
                                                            'to each EDGAR '
                                          'name': 'adsh',
                                          'required': 'true',
                                          'titles': ['Accession Number']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'decimal',
                                                       'minInclusive': 0},
                                          'dc:description': 'Represents the '
                                                            'report grouping. '
                                                            'The numeric value '
                                                            'refers to the "R '
                                                            'file" as computed '
                                                            'by the renderer '
                                                            'and posted on the '
                                                            'EDGAR website. '
                                                            'Note that in some '
                                                            'situations the '
                                                            'numbers skip.',
                                          'name': 'report',
                                          'required': 'true',
                                          'titles': []},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'decimal',
                                                       'minInclusive': 0},
                                          'dc:description': 'Represents the '
                                                            "tag's "
                                                            'presentation line '
                                                            'order for a given '
                                                            'report. Together '
                                                            'with the '
                                                            'statement and '
                                                            'report field, '
                                                            'presentation '
                                                            'location, order '
                                                            'and grouping can '
                                                            'be derived.',
                                          'name': 'line',
                                          'required': 'true',
                                          'titles': []},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'string',
                                                       'maxLength': 2},
                                          'dc:description': 'The financial '
                                                            'statement '
                                                            'location to which '
                                                            'the value of the '
                                                            '"report" field '
                                          'name': 'stmt',
                                          'titles': ['Statement']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'decimal',
                                                       'maxInclusive': 1,
                                                       'minInclusive': 0},
                                          'dc:description': '1 indicates that '
                                                            'the value was '
                                                            'presented '
                                                            '"parenthetically" '
                                                            'instead of in '
                                                            'fields within the '
                                                            'financial '
                                                            'statements. For '
                                                            'example: '
                                                            'Receivables (net '
                                                            'of allowance for '
                                                            'bad debts of USD '
                                                            '200 in 2012) USD '
                                          'name': 'inpth',
                                          'required': 'true',
                                          'titles': ['Parenthentical']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'string',
                                                       'maxLength': 256},
                                          'dc:description': 'The tag chosen by '
                                                            'the filer for '
                                                            'this line item.',
                                          'name': 'tag',
                                          'required': 'true',
                                          'titles': ['Localname']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'string',
                                                       'maxLength': 20},
                                          'dc:description': 'The taxonomy '
                                                            'identifier if the '
                                                            'tag is a standard '
                                                            'tag, otherwise '
                                          'name': 'version',
                                          'required': 'true',
                                          'titles': ['Namespace', 'Taxonomy']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'string',
                                                       'maxLength': 50},
                                          'dc:description': 'The XBRL link '
                                                            '"role" of the '
                                                            'preferred label, '
                                                            'using only the '
                                                            'portion of the '
                                                            'role URI after '
                                                            'the last "/".',
                                          'name': 'prole',
                                          'titles': ['Preferred Role']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'string',
                                                       'maxLength': 512},
                                          'dc:description': 'The text '
                                                            'presented on the '
                                                            'line item, also '
                                                            'known as a '
                                                            '"preferred" '
                                          'name': 'plabel',
                                          'titles': ['Label']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'decimal',
                                                       'maxInclusive': 1,
                                                       'minInclusive': 0},
                                          'dc:description': 'Flag to indicate '
                                                            'whether the prole '
                                                            'is treated as '
                                                            'negating by the '
                                          'name': 'negating',
                                          'required': 'true',
                                          'titles': []}],
                             'foreignKeys': [{'columnReference': ['adsh',
                                              'reference': {'columnReference': ['adsh',
                                                            'resource': 'ren.tsv'}},
                                             {'columnReference': ['tag',
                                              'reference': {'columnReference': ['tag',
                                                            'resource': 'tag.tsv'}}],
                             'primaryKey': ['adsh', 'report', 'line']},
             'url': 'pre.tsv'},
            {'tableSchema': {'aboutUrl': 'readme.htm',
                             'columns': [{'datatype': {'base': 'string',
                                                       'maxLength': 20,
                                                       'minLength': 20},
                                          'dc:description': 'Accession Number. '
                                                            'The 20-character '
                                                            'string formed '
                                                            'from the 18-digit '
                                                            'number assigned '
                                                            'by the Commission '
                                                            'to each EDGAR '
                                          'name': 'adsh',
                                          'required': 'true',
                                          'titles': ['Accession Number']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'decimal',
                                                       'maxInclusive': 255,
                                                       'minInclusive': 0},
                                          'dc:description': 'Sequential number '
                                                            'for grouping arcs '
                                                            'in a submission.',
                                          'name': 'grp',
                                          'required': 'true',
                                          'titles': ['Group']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'decimal',
                                                       'minInclusive': 255},
                                          'dc:description': 'Sequential number '
                                                            'for arcs within a '
                                                            'group in a '
                                          'name': 'arc',
                                          'required': 'true',
                                          'titles': []},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'decimal',
                                                       'maxInclusive': 1,
                                                       'minInclusive': 0},
                                          'dc:description': 'Indicates a '
                                                            'weight of -1 '
                                                            '(TRUE if the arc '
                                                            'is negative), but '
                                                            'typically +1 '
                                          'name': 'negative',
                                          'required': 'true',
                                          'titles': ['Negative Weight']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'string',
                                                       'maxLength': 256},
                                          'dc:description': 'The tag for the '
                                                            'parent of the arc',
                                          'name': 'ptag',
                                          'required': 'true',
                                          'titles': ['Parent Tag']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'string',
                                                       'maxLength': 20},
                                          'dc:description': 'The version of '
                                                            'the tag for the '
                                                            'parent of the arc',
                                          'name': 'pversion',
                                          'required': 'true',
                                          'titles': ['Parent Namespace']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'string',
                                                       'maxLength': 255},
                                          'dc:description': 'The tag for the '
                                                            'child of the arc',
                                          'name': 'ctag',
                                          'required': 'true',
                                          'titles': ['Child Tag']},
                                         {'datatype': {'base': 'string',
                                                       'maxLength': 20},
                                          'dc:description': 'The version of '
                                                            'the tag for the '
                                                            'child of the arc',
                                          'name': 'cversion',
                                          'required': 'true',
                                          'titles': ['Child Namespace']}],
                             'foreignKeys': [{'columnReference': 'adsh',
                                              'reference': {'columnReference': 'adsh',
                                                            'resource': 'sub.tsv'}},
                                             {'columnReference': ['ptag',
                                              'reference': {'columnReference': ['tag',
                                                            'resource': 'tag.tsv'}},
                                             {'columnReference': ['ctag',
                                              'reference': {'columnReference': ['tag',
                                                            'resource': 'tag.tsv'}}],
                             'primaryKey': ['adsh', 'grp', 'arc']},
             'url': 'cal.tsv'}]}

Data Organization

For each quarter, the FSN data is organized into eight file sets that contain information about submissions, numbers, taxonomy tags, presentation, and more. Each dataset consists of rows and fields and is provided as a tab-delimited text file:

File Dataset Description
SUB Submission Identifies each XBRL submission by company, form, date, etc
TAG Tag Defines and explains each taxonomy tag
DIM Dimension Adds detail to numeric and plain text data
NUM Numeric One row for each distinct data point in filing
TXT Plain Text Contains all non-numeric XBRL fields
REN Rendering Information for rendering on SEC website
PRE Presentation Detail on tag and number presentation in primary statements
CAL Calculation Shows arithmetic relationships among tags

Submission Data

The latest submission file contains around 6,500 entries.

In [106]:
sub = pd.read_parquet(data_path / '2018_3' / 'parquet' / 'sub.parquet')
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 6492 entries, 0 to 6491
Data columns (total 40 columns):
adsh           6492 non-null object
cik            6492 non-null int64
name           6492 non-null object
sic            6490 non-null float64
countryba      6481 non-null object
stprba         5899 non-null object
cityba         6481 non-null object
zipba          6477 non-null object
bas1           6481 non-null object
bas2           2804 non-null object
baph           6481 non-null object
countryma      6447 non-null object
stprma         5905 non-null object
cityma         6447 non-null object
zipma          6446 non-null object
mas1           6447 non-null object
mas2           2761 non-null object
countryinc     5935 non-null object
stprinc        5631 non-null object
ein            6491 non-null float64
former         3618 non-null object
changed        3618 non-null float64
afs            6415 non-null object
wksi           6492 non-null int64
fye            6489 non-null float64
form           6492 non-null object
period         6492 non-null int64
fy             6492 non-null int64
fp             6492 non-null object
filed          6492 non-null int64
accepted       6492 non-null object
prevrpt        6492 non-null int64
detail         6492 non-null int64
instance       6492 non-null object
nciks          6492 non-null int64
aciks          130 non-null object
pubfloatusd    639 non-null float64
floatdate      640 non-null float64
floataxis      3 non-null object
floatmems      4 non-null float64
dtypes: float64(7), int64(8), object(25)
memory usage: 2.0+ MB
In [107]:
adsh cik name sic countryba stprba cityba zipba bas1 bas2 baph countryma stprma cityma zipma mas1 mas2 countryinc stprinc ein former changed afs wksi fye form period fy fp filed accepted prevrpt detail instance nciks aciks pubfloatusd floatdate floataxis floatmems
0 0000002178-18-000057 2178 ADAMS RESOURCES & ENERGY, INC. 5172.0 US TX HOUSTON 77027 17 S. BRIAR HOLLOW LN. None 713-881-3600 US TX HOUSTON 77001 P O BOX 844 None US DE 741753147.0 ADAMS RESOURCES & ENERGY INC 19920703.0 2-ACC 0 1231.0 10-Q 20180630 2018 Q2 20180808 2018-08-08 16:47:00.0 0 1 ae-20180630_htm.xml 1 None NaN NaN None NaN
1 0000002488-18-000128 2488 ADVANCED MICRO DEVICES INC 3674.0 US CA SANTA CLARA 95054 2485 AUGUSTINE DRIVE None (408) 749-40 US CA SANTA CLARA 95054 2485 AUGUSTINE DRIVE None US DE 941692300.0 None NaN 1-LAF 0 1231.0 10-Q 20180630 2018 Q2 20180802 2018-08-02 16:29:00.0 0 1 amd-20180630.xml 1 None NaN NaN None NaN
2 0000002969-18-000034 2969 AIR PRODUCTS & CHEMICALS INC /DE/ 2810.0 US PA ALLENTOWN 18195-1501 7201 HAMILTON BLVD None 6104814911 US PA ALLENTOWN 18195-1501 7201 HAMILTON BLVD None US DE 231274455.0 None NaN 1-LAF 0 930.0 10-Q 20180630 2018 Q3 20180726 2018-07-26 15:25:00.0 0 1 apd-10qx30jun2018_htm.xml 1 None NaN NaN None NaN
3 0000003499-18-000018 3499 ALEXANDERS INC 6798.0 US NJ PARAMUS 07652 210 ROUTE 4 EAST None 201-587-8541 US NJ PARAMUS 07652 210 ROUTE 4 EAST None US DE 510100517.0 None NaN 1-LAF 0 1231.0 10-Q 20180630 2018 Q2 20180730 2018-07-30 08:24:00.0 0 1 alx-20180630.xml 1 None NaN NaN None NaN
4 0000003545-18-000066 3545 ALICO INC 100.0 US FL FT. MYERS, 33913 10070 DANIELS INTERSTATE COURT STE. 100 None 239-226-2000 US FL FT. MYERS, 33913 10070 DANIELS INTERSTATE COURT STE. 100 None US FL 590906081.0 ALICO LAND DEVELOPMENT CO 19740219.0 2-ACC 0 930.0 10-Q 20180630 2018 Q3 20180806 2018-08-06 17:03:00.0 0 1 alco-20180630.xml 1 None NaN NaN None NaN

Central Index Key

A Central Index Key or CIK number is a number given to an individual, company, or foreign government by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission. The number is used to identify its filings in several online databases, including EDGAR.

Download and store a csv file containing company tickers and there corresponding CIK number to query data on specific companies from Rank and Filed.

Rank and Filed gathers data from EDGAR, indexes it, and returns it in formats meant to help investors research, investigate and discover companies on their own.

In [90]:
CIKs = pd.read_csv('', sep='|')
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 13737 entries, 0 to 13736
Data columns (total 8 columns):
CIK             13737 non-null int64
Ticker          13737 non-null object
Name            13737 non-null object
Exchange        8904 non-null object
SIC             12704 non-null float64
Business        13608 non-null object
Incorporated    12287 non-null object
IRS             12165 non-null float64
dtypes: float64(2), int64(1), object(5)
memory usage: 858.7+ KB
In [91]:
CIK Ticker Name Exchange SIC Business Incorporated IRS
0 1090872 A Agilent Technologies Inc NYSE 3825.0 CA DE 770518772.0
1 4281 AA Alcoa Inc NYSE 3350.0 PA PA 250317820.0
2 1332552 AAACU Asia Automotive Acquisition Corp NaN 6770.0 DE DE 203022522.0
3 1287145 AABB Asia Broadband Inc OTC 8200.0 GA NV 721569126.0
4 1024015 AABC Access Anytime Bancorp Inc NaN 6035.0 NM DE 850444597.0
In [92]:
CIKs.to_csv(data_path / 'CIKs.csv')
In [103]:
def get_cik(ticker):
    CIKs = pd.read_csv(data_path / 'CIKs.csv')
    cik = CIKs[CIKs['Ticker'] == ticker]['CIK'].values
    return int(cik)
In [105]:
aapl_cik = get_cik('AAPL')
print(f'AAPL CIK: {aapl_cik}')
AAPL CIK: 320193

Get AAPL submission

The submission dataset contains the unique identifiers required to retrieve the filings: the Central Index Key (CIK) and the Accession Number (adsh). The following shows some of the information about Apple's 2018Q3 10-Q filing:

In [108]:
apple = sub[sub.cik == aapl_cik].T.dropna().squeeze()
key_cols = ['name', 'adsh', 'cik', 'name', 'sic', 'countryba', 'stprba',
            'cityba', 'zipba', 'bas1', 'form', 'period', 'fy', 'fp', 'filed']
name                    APPLE INC
adsh         0000320193-18-000100
cik                        320193
name                    APPLE INC
sic                          3571
countryba                      US
stprba                         CA
cityba                  CUPERTINO
zipba                       95014
bas1           ONE APPLE PARK WAY
form                         10-Q
period                   20180630
fy                           2018
fp                             Q3
filed                    20180801
Name: 386, dtype: object

Build AAPL fundamentals dataset

Using the central index key, we can identify all historical quarterly filings available for Apple, and combine this information to obtain 18 Forms 10-Q and five annual Forms 10-K.

Get filings

In [7]:
aapl_subs = pd.DataFrame()
for sub in data_path.glob('**/sub.parquet'):
    sub = pd.read_parquet(sub)
    aapl_sub = sub[(sub.cik.astype(int) == apple.cik) & (sub.form.isin(['10-Q', '10-K']))]
    aapl_subs = pd.concat([aapl_subs, aapl_sub])

We find 18 quarterly 10-Q and 5 annual 10-K reports:

In [8]:
10-Q    18
10-K     5
Name: form, dtype: int64

Get numerical filing data

With the Accession Number for each filing, we can now rely on the taxonomies to select the appropriate XBRL tags (listed in the TAG file) from the NUM and TXT files to obtain the numerical or textual/footnote data points of interest.

First, let's extract all numerical data available from the Apple filings:

In [10]:
aapl_nums = pd.DataFrame()
for num in data_path.glob('**/num.parquet'):
    num = pd.read_parquet(num).drop('dimh', axis=1)
    aapl_num = num[num.adsh.isin(aapl_subs.adsh)]
    aapl_nums = pd.concat([aapl_nums, aapl_num])
aapl_nums.ddate = pd.to_datetime(aapl_nums.ddate, format='%Y%m%d')   
aapl_nums.to_parquet(data_path / 'aapl_nums.parquet')

In total, the five years of filing history provide us with over 22,000 numerical values for AAPL.

In [11]:
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 22277 entries, 493743 to 4667175
Data columns (total 15 columns):
adsh        22277 non-null object
tag         22277 non-null object
version     22277 non-null object
ddate       22277 non-null datetime64[ns]
qtrs        22277 non-null int64
uom         22277 non-null object
iprx        22277 non-null float64
value       22221 non-null float64
footnote    68 non-null object
footlen     22277 non-null int64
dimn        22277 non-null int64
coreg       0 non-null object
durp        22277 non-null float64
datp        22277 non-null float64
dcml        22277 non-null float64
dtypes: datetime64[ns](1), float64(5), int64(3), object(6)
memory usage: 2.7+ MB

Create P/E Ratio from EPS and stock price data

We can select a useful field, such as Earnings per Diluted Share (EPS), that we can combine with market data to calculate the popular Price/Earnings (P/E) valuation ratio.

In [12]:
stock_split = 7
split_date = pd.to_datetime('20140604')
Timestamp('2014-06-04 00:00:00')

We do need to take into account, however, that Apple split its stock 7:1 on June 4, 2014, and Adjusted Earnings per Share before the split to make earnings comparable, as illustrated in the following code block:

In [13]:
# Filter by tag; keep only values measuring 1 quarter
eps = aapl_nums[(aapl_nums.tag == 'EarningsPerShareDiluted')
                & (aapl_nums.qtrs == 1)].drop('tag', axis=1)

# Keep only most recent data point from each filing
eps = eps.groupby('adsh').apply(lambda x: x.nlargest(n=1, columns=['ddate']))

# Adjust earnings prior to stock split downward
eps.loc[eps.ddate < split_date,'value'] = eps.loc[eps.ddate < split_date, 'value'].div(7)
eps = eps[['ddate', 'value']].set_index('ddate').squeeze().sort_index()
eps = eps.rolling(4,min_periods=4).sum().dropna()
In [14]:
eps.plot(lw=2, figsize=(12, 5), title='Diluted Earnings per Share')
#plt.savefig('diluted eps', dps=300);


Quandl provides a broad range of data sources, both free and as a subscription, using a Python API. Register and obtain a free API key to make more than 50 calls/day. Quandl data covers multiple asset classes beyond equities and includes FX, fixed income, indexes, futures and options, and commodities. API usage is straightforward, well documented, and flexible, with numerous methods beyond single-series downloads, for example, including bulk downloads or metadata searches. The following call obtains the prices for AAPL for the min and max dates in the AAPL eps series index we created previously.

In [15]:
symbol = 'AAPL.US'

aapl_stock = (web.
              DataReader(symbol, 'quandl', start=eps.index.min(), api_key='Your-API-Key-Here')
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
DatetimeIndex: 1275 entries, 2014-09-30 to 2018-03-27
Freq: D
Data columns (total 12 columns):
Open          877 non-null float64
High          877 non-null float64
Low           877 non-null float64
Close         877 non-null float64
Volume        877 non-null float64
ExDividend    877 non-null float64
SplitRatio    877 non-null float64
AdjOpen       877 non-null float64
AdjHigh       877 non-null float64
AdjLow        877 non-null float64
AdjClose      877 non-null float64
AdjVolume     877 non-null float64
dtypes: float64(12)
memory usage: 129.5 KB
In [16]:
pe = aapl_stock.AdjClose.to_frame('price').join(eps.to_frame('eps'))
pe = pe.fillna(method='ffill').dropna()
pe['P/E Ratio'] = pe.price.div(pe.eps)
pe['P/E Ratio'].plot(lw=2, figsize=(12, 5), title='TTM P/E Ratio')
In [17]:
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
DatetimeIndex: 1275 entries, 2014-09-30 to 2018-03-27
Freq: D
Data columns (total 3 columns):
price        1275 non-null float64
eps          1275 non-null float64
P/E Ratio    1275 non-null float64
dtypes: float64(3)
memory usage: 39.8 KB
In [18]:
axes = pe.plot(subplots=True, figsize=(12,10), legend=False, lw=2)
axes[0].set_title('Adj. Close Price')
axes[1].set_title('Diluted Earnings per Share')
axes[2].set_title('Trailing P/E Ratio')

Explore Additional Fields

The field tag references values defined in the taxonomy:

In [19]:
       'CommonStockSharesAuthorized', 'ComprehensiveIncomeNetOfTax',
       'AssetsNoncurrent', 'Assets',
       'AccruedIncomeTaxesNoncurrent', 'LongTermDebtFairValue',
       'CashAndCashEquivalentsAtCarryingValue', 'Liabilities',
       'PaymentsToAcquireOtherInvestments', 'PaymentsOfDividends',
       'DerivativeFairValueOfDerivativeNet', 'InterestExpense',
       'StandardProductWarrantyAccrual', 'DebtInstrumentFaceAmount',
       'OperatingIncomeLoss', 'NonoperatingIncomeExpense',
       'ShareBasedCompensation', 'RepaymentsOfLongTermDebt',
       'OtherNonoperatingIncomeExpense', 'DebtInstrumentCarryingAmount',
       'InventoryNet', 'LossContingencyEstimateOfPossibleLoss',
       'EntityCommonStockSharesOutstanding', 'IncomeTaxExpenseBenefit',
       'SellingGeneralAndAdministrativeExpense', 'LiabilitiesCurrent',
       'CostOfGoodsAndServicesSold', 'GrossProfit',
       'AssetsCurrent', 'IncreaseDecreaseInAccountsReceivable',
       'OtherAssetsCurrent', 'DeferredIncomeTaxExpenseBenefit',
       'CommonStockParOrStatedValuePerShare', 'CommonStockSharesIssued',
       'NetIncomeLoss', 'MarketableSecuritiesNoncurrent',
       'CommercialPaper', 'LongTermDebtNoncurrent',
       'NontradeReceivablesCurrent', 'OtherLiabilitiesCurrent',
       'StockRepurchasedAndRetiredDuringPeriodShares', 'Revenues',
       'DerivativeNotionalAmount', 'DepreciationDepletionAndAmortization',
       'MarketableSecuritiesCurrent', 'CommitmentsAndContingencies',
       'IncomeTaxesPaidNet', 'PropertyPlantAndEquipmentNet',
       'OtherAccruedLiabilitiesNoncurrent', 'OtherAssetsNoncurrent',
       'AccountsPayableCurrent', 'LongTermDebtCurrent',
       'OperatingExpenses', 'RetainedEarningsAccumulatedDeficit',
       'OtherOperatingIncomeExpenseNet', 'ProceedsFromLegalSettlements',
       'FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsNet', 'InterestPaid',
       'SalesRevenueNet', 'DeferredRevenueCurrent',
       'PaymentsToAcquireIntangibleAssets', 'ResultOfLegalProceedings',
       'DeferredRevenueNoncurrent', 'Goodwill',
       'DeferredIncomeTaxLiabilities', 'DeferredTaxAssetsNetCurrent',
       'EntityPublicFloat', 'TaxesPayableCurrent',
       'IncomeTaxReconciliationStateAndLocalIncomeTaxes', 'LongTermDebt',
       'AccruedMarketingCostsCurrent', 'DeferredTaxAssetsOther',
       'DeferredTaxAssetsValuationAllowance', 'GoodwillImpairmentLoss',
       'DeferredTaxAssetsGross', 'DeferredTaxAssetsNet',
       'AmortizationOfIntangibleAssets', 'OtherAccruedLiabilitiesCurrent',
       'AdvertisingExpense', 'OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossTax',
       'OtherDeferredCreditsCurrent', 'NoncurrentAssets',
       'NumberOfStores', 'DeferredTaxAssetsLiabilitiesNetCurrent',
       'CommonStockValue', 'PreferredStockSharesAuthorized',

We can select values of interest and track their value or use them as inputs to compute fundamental metrics like the Dividend/Share ratio.

Dividends per Share

In [20]:
fields = ['EarningsPerShareDiluted',
In [21]:
dividends = (aapl_nums
             .loc[aapl_nums.tag == 'PaymentsOfDividendsCommonStock', ['ddate', 'value']]
shares = (aapl_nums
          .loc[aapl_nums.tag == 'WeightedAverageNumberOfDilutedSharesOutstanding', ['ddate', 'value']]
df = dividends.div(shares).dropna()
ax =, 5), title='Dividends per Share', legend=False)

Textual Information

In [22]:
txt = pd.read_parquet(data_path / '2016_2' / 'parquet' /  'txt.parquet')

You can obtain notes from the financial statesments here:

In [23]:
adsh tag version ddate qtrs iprx lang dcml durp datp dimh dimn coreg escaped srclen txtlen footnote footlen context value
0 0000014693-16-000160 AdvertisingCostsPolicyTextBlock us-gaap/2015 20160430 4 0 en-US 32767 0.0 0.0 0x00000000 0 None 1 425 112 None 0 FD2016Q4YTD Advertising costs. We expense the costs of adv...
1 0000014693-16-000160 AmendmentFlag dei/2014 20160430 4 0 en-US 32767 0.0 0.0 0x00000000 0 None 0 5 5 None 0 FD2016Q4YTD false
2 0000014693-16-000160 ComprehensiveIncomeNoteTextBlock us-gaap/2015 20160430 4 0 en-US 32767 0.0 0.0 0x00000000 0 None 1 82857 2106 None 0 FD2016Q4YTD ACCUMULATED OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME The fol...
3 0000014693-16-000160 EntityFilerCategory dei/2014 20160430 4 0 en-US 32767 0.0 0.0 0x00000000 0 None 0 23 23 None 0 FD2016Q4YTD Large Accelerated Filer
4 0000014693-16-000160 ScheduleOfComprehensiveIncomeLossTableTextBlock us-gaap/2015 20160430 4 0 en-US 32767 0.0 0.0 0x00000000 0 None 1 67007 1686 None 0 FD2016Q4YTD The following table presents the components of...

Obtain data for AAPL by searching for presence of its unique adsh value.

In [24]:
aapl_txt = txt[txt['adsh'].isin(list(aapl_nums.adsh.unique()))]
adsh tag version ddate qtrs iprx lang dcml durp datp dimh dimn coreg escaped srclen txtlen footnote footlen context value
126732 0001193125-16-559625 DocumentType dei/2014 20160331 2 0 en-US 32767 0.016439 5.0 0x00000000 0 None 0 4 4 None 0 eol_PE2035----1610-Q0006_STD_182_20160326_0 10-Q
126733 0001193125-16-559625 ReconciliationOfOperatingProfitLossFromSegment... us-gaap/2015 20160331 2 0 en-US 32767 0.016439 5.0 0x00000000 0 None 1 11057 556 None 0 eol_PE2035----1610-Q0006_STD_182_20160326_0 A reconciliation of the Companys segment opera...
126734 0001193125-16-559625 ComprehensiveIncomeNoteTextBlock us-gaap/2015 20160331 2 0 en-US 32767 0.016439 5.0 0x00000000 0 None 1 37057 2092 None 0 eol_PE2035----1610-Q0006_STD_182_20160326_0 Note 8 Comprehensive Income Comprehensive inc...
126735 0001193125-16-559625 ScheduleOfIndefiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsTable... us-gaap/2015 20160331 2 0 en-US 32767 0.016439 5.0 0x00000000 0 None 1 13669 607 None 0 eol_PE2035----1610-Q0006_STD_182_20160326_0 The following table summarizes the components ...
126736 0001193125-16-559625 ScheduleOfProductWarrantyLiabilityTableTextBlock us-gaap/2015 20160331 2 0 en-US 32767 0.016439 5.0 0x00000000 0 None 1 11024 536 None 0 eol_PE2035----1610-Q0006_STD_182_20160326_0 The following table shows changes in the Compa...

Make sure we have the correct company by checking the value of the TradingSymbol tag.

In [25]:
aapl_txt[aapl_txt['tag'] == 'TradingSymbol']['value']
163651    AAPL
Name: value, dtype: object

Explore Additional Text Data Fields

In [26]:
       'DebtInstrumentMaturityYearRangeStart', 'DebtInstrumentTerm',
       'DebtDisclosureTextBlock', 'SegmentReportingDisclosureTextBlock',
       'EntityCentralIndexKey', 'AcceleratedShareRepurchasesTextBlock',
       'DocumentFiscalYearFocus', 'FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetUsefulLife',
       'EntityFilerCategory', 'DocumentFiscalPeriodFocus',
       'PropertyPlantAndEquipmentTextBlock', 'AmendmentFlag',
       'EntityRegistrantName', 'IncomeTaxContingencyPeriodOfOccurrence',
       'DocumentPeriodEndDate', 'CurrentFiscalYearEndDate',
       'AvailableForSaleSecuritiesTextBlock'], dtype=object)

Locate and read the text value for specific tag

In [72]:
tag = aapl_txt[aapl_txt['tag'] == 'StockholdersEquityNoteDisclosureTextBlock']['adsh'].index[0]
In [73]:
'Note 7  Shareholders Equity Dividends The Company declared and paid cash dividends per share during the periods presented as follows: Dividends Per Share Amount (in millions) 2016: Second quarter $ 0.52 $ 2,879 First quarter 0.52 2,898 Total cash dividends declared and paid $ 1.04 $ 5,777 2015: Fourth quarter $ 0.52 $ 2,950 Third quarter 0.52 2,997 Second quarter 0.47 2,734 First quarter 0.47 2,750 Total cash dividends declared and paid $ 1.98 $ 11,431 Future dividends are subject to declaration by the Board of Directors. Share Repurchase Program In 2015, the Companys Board of Directors increased the share repurchase authorization to $140 billion of the Companys common stock, of which $117 billion had been utilized as of March 26, 2016. The Companys share repurchase program does not obligate it to acquire any specific number of shares. Under the program, shares may be repurchased in privately negotiated and/or open market transactions, including under plans complying with Rule 10b5-1 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the Exchange Act). The Company has entered, and in the future may enter, into accelerated share repurchase arrangements (ASRs) with financial institutions. In exchange for up-front payments, the financial institutions deliver shares of the Companys common stock during the purchase periods of each ASR. The total number of shares ultimately delivered, and therefore the average repurchase price paid per share, is determined at the end of the applicable purchase period of each ASR based on the volume weighted-average price of the Companys common stock during that period. The shares received are retired in the periods they are delivered, and the up-front payments are accounted for as a reduction to shareholders equity in the Companys Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets in the periods the payments are made. The Company reflects the ASRs as a repurchase of common stock in the period delivered for purposes of calculating earnings per share and as forward contracts indexed'
In [ ]: